Nobu Style Low Sugar Miso Marinated Seabass

One of Nobu’s most famous dishes made a bit lighter and easier. This is a great dish to wow your guests at dinner with. It’s absolutely delicious!


nobu seabass the relatable chef

Nobu Style Low Sugar Miso Marinated Seabass

One of Nobu's most famous dishes is their miso marinated seabass. It's so tender and full of that delicious miso flavor. I always dream of it and then decided to take a stab at it myself and came to discover it was quite simple! The only red flag was it called for quite a bit of sugar so I've cut that down a bit.
Here is the kicker though- Ideally you need to marinade this well in advance. It needs to marinade for a good two days. The good thing is that this dish is perfect when you need to make a beautiful impressive dinner and don't want to spend time away from your guests. It cooks really quickly in the oven.
Either way, marinading for 2 days is optional. You can do it for a minimum of 8 hours and it will still come out delicious.
Trust me this one is worth the wait!
Prep Time 8 hours
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Asian
Servings 4 people


  • 1 lb Black Cod or Chilean Seabass will work
  • .5 cup Baycliff Mirin Sweetened Sake Can be found at Whole Foods in the international aisle. If you cant find it, use .25 cup of Sake and .25 cup of Mirin
  • .25 cup White Miso Paste preferably the lower sugar one
  • 1 tbsp Brown Sugar


  • TWO DAYS PRIOR: Make the marinade. Add the mirion sweetened sake to a small saucepan over medium high heat and bring to a boil. Once it starts boiling, add the miso paste and turn the heat down to medium low. Whisk together for a bit and add the sugar. Continue to whisk it to combine it well. Once everything has dissolved, remove from heat.
  • Place your fish into a container that can be sealed tightly. Pat them dry. Add all of the miso sauce on top being sure that no fish is exposed. Close the container and keep in the fridge for atleast 8 hours and preferably 48 hours.
  • BAKE:
    Move your oven rack to the highest level and turn on the broiler. It should be about half a foot from the top.
  • Using an oven proof skillet, heat up some oil over high heat. Remove your filets from the marinade. Lightly wipe off any excess marinade but don't scrape it off.
  • Place your fish skin side up on the skillet and cook for 3 minutes. Flip over and cook another 2 minutes.
  • Transfer pan to the oven and broil for 5-6 minutes. Keep a watchful eye to ensure they do not burn!!